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Is OptiNu Academy Fake or Real?

Why is OptiNu Academy Fake?
OptiNu Academy claims to be a website providing various optometry services such as eye exams and supposedly even conducts medical research. They have apparently been posting ads on Craigslist looking for people to take part in their medical studies in exchange for money. The website says that they pay a combined $2,000 to participate in the studies, while in Craigslist ads they claim to pay $300.
A domain name look up of the website reveals nothing except that the domain was registered on 26th March 2019.

The home page makes it look like a genuine company providing eye-related medical services. The website content mentions the services that they offer such as optometry services, contact lenses, clinical research and laser eye surgery. Apart from that they have put up some blog articles. A funny observation is that an article about August being eye health month has been posted in November.

The website goes absolutely downhill from here as nothing else about it looks real. One of their main banner images has been picked up from wikimedia commons. The testimonials look fake and use stock imagery to depict the patients.
The Contact Us page provides no information about their phone number and address. The page includes the picture of a building which is located in Chicago, Illinois. However, there is no mention on the website about their locations. There is only an email ID provided, which apparently doesn’t work, and a contact form to book an appointment.
They have apparently been posting Craigslist ads all over USA inviting people to participate in paid medical trials by calling an 800 number. This number is not present on the website itself.
Considering everything, OptiNu Academy seems to be a scam. It’s one of the weirdest scams I have come across as their goal seems to be unclear. The company hasn’t disclosed any substantial information on its website. None of the social media links given on the website work. I can only conclude that there is something shady going on, even though I’m not sure what it is.
It seems like they want people to call an 800 number. 800 numbers are toll-free and cost nothing to the caller, which means they can’t be making money from those calls. It’s likely that they are just seeding a random sales number in the hope that someone will buy something.
How to Get Your Money Back from a Scam
Remember: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
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