Fake Website Buster
Exposing Scams and Scammers

I’ve poured my heart and soul into helping people stay safe from online scams for the past four years, but now it’s time to say goodbye.
Welcome to Fake Website Buster, a scam website checker for exposing unsafe websites that pose dangers to users such as fraud, phishing and more. I’m James Greening and I review websites to help you avoid scams, such as shopping scams, investment scams, job scams, recovery scams and many others.
If the website you are looking for is not listed, you can request a review. To stay updated with the latest scam alerts, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube. You can also get in touch via email using the Contact Form.
Remember: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
About Fake Website Buster
James Greening is a pseudonym. Due to the nature of my journalistic work uncovering cyber criminals, I prefer not to use my real identity. I have been fighting scams actively since 2020 after seeing the number of online scams skyrocket during the global lockdown.
Through this blog, I meticulously dissect scam websites, aiming to arm consumers with the knowledge necessary to safeguard their hard-earned money from cyber thieves. Fake Website Buster serves as a vital resource, aiding tens of thousands of individuals each month in evading online scams or recuperating losses incurred from falling victim to such schemes. Additionally, I extend my services by offering ‘scambusting as a service‘, utilizing my expertise to help individuals discern between genuine and fraudulent websites.
However, for each scam website that’s exposed, there are many more that fly under the radar. Therefore, I also work with ScamAdviser to raise awareness about online scams and the tactics employed by scammers.
My goal is simple: I want to arm as many folks as possible with the know-how to spot scams on their own, without needing to rely on others for help.
If you find this website useful, please consider making a donation to support Fake Website Buster.
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