Website Name
Website Type
Retailer for ‘Danner’ Boots
Is Dannerofficial Fake or Real?

Why Is Dannerofficial Fake?
Dannerofficial is a website that claims to be selling shoes and boots of the Danner brand. The prices on the website are too good to be true. As an example, boots priced at $370 on Danner’s official website are being sold for just $73.99, which is a discount of 80%. Absurdly high discounts are often the most obvious sign of a scam.
A domain name lookup of the website shows that it was registered on 23rd September 2021 in Gansu, China. The registrant is listed ‘Wang Bin’ and no contact details have been provided. Therefore, it is a new website being operated anonymously from a high-risk country.

The website has copied the look of the official Danner website. Comparing the two home pages side-by-side, it is easy to see why shoppers might be confused into believing that they are shopping with the real Danner brand.
However, closer inspection reveals that the site has been created extremely sloppily. The site doesn’t even have a Terms of Service (ToS) page and no company details are mentioned in the Privacy Policy.
Even the social media links on the website are dummies that lead nowhere. This shows that it is not a professionally run website.
There is no Contact Us page on the website either. The website footer only mentions the email ID ‘‘. I found that the email ID is being used on at least 5 other websites. The list of sites is given at the end of the article.
Additionally, the email ID was also being used on other websites reported as scams that are no longer active.
Much like the complaint shown above, I found that Dannerofficial is also using a random PayPal account. The account name is simply shown as ‘’ which appears to be a throwaway PayPal account used for scams.

Dannerofficial does not have any social media presence and I could not find any customer reviews either. If you want to share your review of this site, you can do so in the comments below or on my social media pages.
It seems quite obvious that Dannerofficial is a fake online store, possibly operated by a Chinese scam network. The site has absolutely no connection to the real Danner brand.
The prices on the website simply are too good to be true as the discounts are as high as 80% compared to the official Danner site. The domain registration data shows that the domain name has been registered less than two weeks back from China. These two facts combined leave little doubt that Dannerofficial is a scam.
While Dannerofficial has copied the look of Danner’s official website, it does not contain basic pages such as About Us and Contact Us. More importantly, it is missing documentation such as a Terms of Service or a legitimate Privacy Policy. This shows that it is not a professionally run website.
The PayPal account used for processing Dannerofficial’s payments has the random name ‘’, hinting that it may be a throwaway account used for scamming customers.
The only contact information given on Dannerofficial’s website is the email ID ‘’ which has been reported as a scam previously and is also being used on many other websites.
Dannerofficial’s has no social media pages and no reviews for it could be found either. It is advisable to avoid shopping on Dannerofficial or any of the 5 similar sites as there is no reason to believe that any of them are genuine.
If you have fallen victim to this scam, simply contact PayPal and raise a dispute demanding a full refund.
How to Get Your Money Back from a Scam
Remember: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
To read about other Ecommerce Scams, click here.
If you found this information useful, please consider supporting my work.
List of websites using the email ID ‘’
Additional list of fake Danner stores
If you have been the victim of an ecommerce scam, you can take the following steps:
- Lodge a cybercrime complaint online or with the local police office
- File a complaint with the payment portal and ask whether the payment can be reversed
- Leave a negative review on review portals such as Scamadviser, TrustPilot, OnlineThreatAlerts and SiteJabber
- Give a low rating to the website on Web of Trust. You can also install their extension for the same
- Report the scam site to web filtering companies.
Disclaimer: This review is intended for information only and should not be relied on when making financial or business decisions. If you are a website owner and would like to provide clarifications regarding your business and/or website, please get in touch using the Contact Form.